St Thomas More Primary School Mt Eliza
Wellbeing refers to students’ cognitive, physical, social, spiritual and emotional development. This is fundamental to successful learning. Children and young people who are happy, confident and able to establish meaningful relationships are better placed to achieve positive learning outcomes.
At STM, we strive to provide an environment and comprehensive curriculum that supports students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to manage their own health and wellbeing and to support that of others.
All staff are committed to the wellbeing of all students in their care. A dedicated Wellbeing Team, led by our school Wellbeing Leader, meets regularly to discuss student wellbeing concerns.

Social Emotional Learning
St Thomas More is committed to providing safe, secure and high quality learning and development opportunities for every student. We believe students will reach their full educational potential when they are happy, healthy and safe. Social and emotional learning can help students learn the competencies and skills they need to build resilience and effectively manage their emotions, behaviour and relationships with others.
At STM, we implement a range of social emotional programs and initiatives to support the wellbeing of our students. These include:
Respectful Relationships program
The Resilience Project Wellbeing Program
Circle Time
Buddy Programs
eSmart Programs
Lunchtime clubs
Student Leadership Programs
Pastoral Care - Seasons for Grief and Loss

The Resilience Project
Building mental health strategies & resilience
In 2021, we were delighted to begin our journey with The Resilience Project. Staff, students and parents participated in workshops to build their understanding of the importance of positive mental health and strategies that can be used to build resilience and happiness.
Each week in classrooms throughout our school, students participate in The Resilience Project primary school wellbeing program. Through this program, children are reminded of the importance of practising gratitude, empathy and mindfulness in their everyday lives.
Benefits for students of The Resilience Project Wellbeing Program include:
Improved confidence and self-esteem, especially in relation to their peer relationships
Improved wellbeing and ability to express emotions
Improved knowledge and communication of emotions
Improved relationships both at school and at home

Student Leadership
At St Thomas More, we believe that ALL students should have the opportunity to develop important leadership skills during their time at primary school. We therefore provide many opportunities for our students to develop leadership skills during their time at STM.
Leadership opportunities are offered to students from Prep - Year 6 to become SRC Reps, Japanese Leaders or Green Team Leaders. In Year 5, all students take on the important role of a Prep Buddy, and lead our youngest students by the important example they set. In Year 6, students take on a formal leadership position as a School or Vice Captain or as a member of a Year 6 Leadership Team.

Positive Behaviour Education
As a Catholic school, STM endeavours to foster the values of respect, integrity and collaboration. In our relationships with others, we are committed to demonstrating fairness and cooperation to enhance and support the wellbeing of all in our community. All members of the STM School community have the right of respect from others, the right to learn or teach, and the right to feel safe and secure in their school environment. We are therefore committed to positive, proactive practices in the support of student behaviour.
Through our positive approach to behaviour education, our school aims:
· to promote the values of honesty, fairness and respect for others
· to acknowledge the worth of all members of the community and their right to work and learn in a positive environment
· to maintain good order and harmony
· to affirm cooperation as well as responsible independence in learning
· to foster self-discipline and to develop responsibility for one's own behaviour.

Our Buddy Program supports a smooth transition for children starting school and helps our new students feel safe, valued and connected. Each of our new Prep students is paired with a Year 5 Buddy and opportunities are provided for these children to build positive relationships that promote self-esteem, connectedness, social skills, trust and sense of community.
Being a ‘buddy’ teaches students the values of caring for others, friendliness, respect, valuing difference, including others and responsibility.

Lunch Time Clubs
Lunchtime clubs at STM offer students the opportunity to engage and participate in activities that they enjoy and are passionate about, socialise with groups of multi-age students, 'take a break' from the playground or try something new. We have many lunch clubs at STM which include:
drawing/mindful colouring
indoor games